Springtime means always a bit of work. Our garden has to be prepared for all little plants and seeds. But as the kids are always keen to help it is a win/win situation. They are involved in all the work and besides they learn a lot about all those important natural circles. The strawberries will replace the potatoes as they will give strength to this little piece of earth again. The beans go well with potatoes but there also other little plants which are not helpful to plant together. Since this year we try to plant and sow after the moon calender and we are keen to see how it works !

 and this is also spring. long outside days again.  We joined the seasonal silk club of http://www.sugarhouseworkshop.com and it is such an expiring way to send impulses into childrens playing and acting.

My girls love to play with silk and they use their own imagination to use it in a creative and unique way.
and all those little blossoms of our little trees. We do not have sooo many fruit trees. But each one is such a pure joy and happiness.

 the very first wreath in the year, made of little violets and those violets are not only pretty cute - the little violets go very well as eatable decoration for some spring cake as well are the basic for a very useful spring cream I will introduce later

as the mornings are still very cold our woolies stay with us and are friendly a compagnion throughout every season -


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